Extended notes on the assessment framework for administrative and executive aspects

Here the Advisory Division assesses, among other things, whether the Climate Plan does justice to inter-administration relationships, as well as the feasibility of implementing the proposed measures.

Inter-administration relationships

The central government and other government authorities strive to work collectively on the climate and energy transition. The Inter-Administration Programme (IBP) focuses on the formation of regions. Municipalities, provinces and water authorities work together in regions on creating Regional Energy Strategies (RES). The Advisory Division checks the significance of this for inter-administration relationships. The Advisory Division also checks how the RES’s relate to other (new) policy instruments, such as the national environmental vision (NOVI), provincial environmental vision (POVI), municipal environmental vision (GOVI) and Environmental Plan. Furthermore, what do the RES’s and the Climate Plan mean for municipalities? Do they have the required capacities to implement them?

Practicality, compliance and enforceability

Whether or not policy is effective depends entirely on the ability to implement it, comply with it and enforce it. As is the case with its advisory opinions, the Advisory Division also examines the feasibility of compliance with and enforceability of a measure. The Advisory Division also checks whether the consultation and participation aspects that are set out in the Climate Act, have been applied.